Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reduced Caloric Diet Increases Life Expectancy

The results of a decade-long study have just been published and they reaffirm what other studies have shown: caloric restriction in mammals increases lifespan and reduces disease. Here is a direct link to the story:

Study after study has shown that the one consistent thing that we can do to thwart diseases and prolong life is to reduce our intake of food. This has proven to be effective in nearly every study done on animals and most scientists now consider this an accepted phenomenon.

It doesn't mean that you should consume merely an apple a day (one's diet must still be healthy and nutritous) but it does mean that we should all rethink about how much food we eat on a daily basis.

As of yet, I don't believe there is any agreement on exactly why caloric restriction works so well. There are theories that by decreasing caloric intake to a low level the body, for lack of better words, turns its thermostat down and this slows down the aging process. Think of a wood fire. What happens when you let it burn at a slow, low rate versus what happens when you pour lighter fluid on it?

Another theory is that an excess amount of calories increases cellular division within the body and also increases not only healthy cell division but also cancerous as well.